

云上岭南 | 拜非遗传承工资师后,一众“幼狮”在广州猎德祠堂“起舞” 宣布时光:2025-03-11 09:28 【云上岭南】After Apprenticing with the Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor皇冠赌场官方网站, the Young Lions Dance at the Li Clan Ancestral Hall in Liede Village, Guangzhou拜非遗传承工资师后,一众“幼狮”在广州猎德祠堂“起舞”Art and Culture | The Dragon and Lion Dance tradition is not only an intangible cultural heritage, but also a popular sporting activity. On the afternoon of March 8, a master-disciple ceremony was held at the Li Clan Ancestral Hall in Liede Village, Tianhe District, #Guangzhou. Twelve teenagers learning the #traditional Guangdong #LionDance skills apprenticed themselves to Luo Dingguo, the representative inheritor of the Guangdong Lion Dance Intangible Cultural Heritage in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. After the ceremony, they demonstrated the lion dance skills on the spot.#artandculture龙舞狮不只长短物资文明遗产,仍是一项大众体育名目。3月8日下战书,一场“拜师典礼”在广州市河汉区猎德李氏大批祠举办,12逻辑学习广best365官方网站东传统醒狮技能的青少年,拜广州市河汉区非物资文明遗产代表名目(广东醒狮)代表性传承人罗定国为师,并在拜师典礼后现场展现醒狮技能。起源:羊城晚报